In order to provide the highest quality treatment for you, we have created this procedure:
EVALUATION (1 – 3 hours)
- Articulation development
- Oral motor (musculature) strength and mobility
- Feeding
- Expressive, receptive and social language skills
- Fluency of speech (stuttering)
- Voice quality
- Fine motor skills
- Gross motor skills
- Sensory integration
- Handwriting
- Hand-Eye coordination
- Visual perceptual ability
Our evaluations are customized to your child and may include standardized testing as well as a variety of non-standardized tools that will give us information regarding your child’s level of functioning and skills.
Evaluations are scheduled Monday through Friday during the morning and early afternoon hours. When schedules allow, after school and evening evaluations may be possible.
Providing a written report is just one aspect that sets our office apart from many other therapists.
We believe that written documentation is necessary for the establishment of goals and for successful parental understanding of and participation in the therapeutic process. Our reports are created so that parents and clinicians, alike, can understand what issues have been identified and how they are to be addressed. In addition, this written documentation is often required by insurance companies to determine coverage.